Monday 1 July 2013

Andy’s Treasure...

This magnificent piece of unusual driftwood was found by my friend who came up from the windy city for a weekend away. I must admit, his efforts to drag it up the beach were commendable but some jobs are just easier with an extra pair of hands...or a donkey as this case may be. While he toddled off to photograph treasures on the beach Saturday afternoon, I did a few jobs at the house wondering just how far his wanderings would take him. It was a chilly day and I suddenly had a hankering for fish and chips for tea and thought it would be a good idea for us to wander to the chippie once he got back. 

When he did return oozing with enthusiasm over this “must have garden addition” I suggested tea on the beach while walking down to find his treasure. As we approached the beach the sun was starting to set so we found a nice log to rest on and ate our tea while watching the waves crashing against the shore and admiring the sun setting through the clouds at sea. Then it was time to wander off and find this piece of rustic beauty and drag it home before we lost the fading light. 

I had to agree it was a lovely piece, lots of character and very much a statement for a garden but then came the question...exactly how do we get this monstrosity home? After a few stops for rearrangement and to rest a dicky knee, we finally clambered over the dunes and with home in sight we gathered together the last of our determination and went for the home straight.  Unfortunately for Andy, there was no way this was going to fit in his little car, so I will have the pleasure of it in my garden until I get another visit.