Wednesday 3 July 2013

Second Wind...

Big day yesterday with visitors all day but I got my second wind and the end result was eleven jars of the most gorgeous feijoa and apple jelly. This time I made it up in some cute hex jars and labelled it which looked very cool. I couldn’t resist opening one tonight and trying it on some freshly toasted ploughmans, oooh it was so flavorsome! 

Looking in my kitchen, anyone would think I am starting a cottage industry but I am giving jars away to share the love and I believe in the pay it forward concept. I do give under the agreement I get my jars back though! 

Here is a pic of the pretty pinky/orange gold that makes it look so resistible, sorry the pic isn’t the best quality...night light isn’t the best time for photo taking but it gives you an idea. 
Hopefully soon the vege garden will provide some more for me to experiment with other preserves and drying methods. I might have to change the cupboards around and make a “preserve store” to keep all these goodies in. Summer is going to be the test, I have so many types of heirloom seeds to plant. Think there is about thirty types of tomato among all the rest of my seed store. I need to order mint, onions, carrots and a few others soon so I am ready for the warmer weather.
