Saturday 13 July 2013

Brrrrr...Time To Pull Out The Woollies!

Tonight for a special treat I ran myself a nice hot bubble bath, lit some candles and put on one of my favourite albums by David Gray before jumping in for a well deserved soak. I lay back in a mountain of herbal bubbles, closed my eyes and let his husky voice serenade me into a soothing daze. After drying off I put on my gorgeous retro nightie  (you know the ones, when they were lacy and girlie and not practical at all) that I had been saving for a special evening...and what better time than when treating myself to some well deserved me time! I was careful not to sozzle my long hair on the candles though, experience has taught me that. While sharing a bath with a former boyfriend years ago he had a little accident...he leaned back to read by candlelight and the next thing I heard was a fizzing sound, I looked over and there was his hair (or what was left of it) burning on top of his head like a candle on a cake. Of course the only thing I could do as he sat there looking like a stunned mullet was to grab a handful of bath water and plop it on his head. Just for the record, setting yourself on fire does nothing for romance.

Despite the chilly weather we have been having I have been outside tackling some of the jobs on my revolving list of tasks. The other day I repotted all my plants, gosh some of them have grown really well since moving here and they needed a nice fresh pot to stretch their feet in. I sat on the deck surrounded in pots, manure, plants and potting mix and set to work. Luckily I have a large selection of pots so the job is much easier being able to shuffle them around. While it did threaten to rain a couple of times, by the end of the afternoon I had everyone newly potted, a haircut if they needed it and the deck cleared and hosed down. 

I couldn’t believe how much the Cranberry bush has grown, that had to go into a bucket just to give it enough space. The Lemon tree is doing well and also got a much larger pot. The Rhubarb that has been stalled for a long while has finally blossomed into a beauty, must have been the good feed of manure I gave it weeks ago that has given it a spurt of growth. I keep eyeing it up, just waiting for the moment I can give it the chop and make a scrummy rhubarb crumble...that time may not be too far away. 

Guess who I found curled up on the hay bale in the chook run yesterday? Mr. Surprisingly it didn’t seem to bother the girls so I left him to it thinking that it could only be a good deterrent for any creatures that shouldn’t be there.  Even Diesel doesn’t seem to bother them too much now, it’s nice to know that we can all live together in harmony. I am so proud of my boys! I have now put a large wood stump in front of the hut so it is easier for them to hop up but it also gives them a little more protection from the wind when they are resting under the hut in the sand which is a favourite spot. Lola and Alfie plopped themselves down on it today like a couple of bookends...I guess I am safe to assume they approve of it. They are also very content in the new nesting boxes I built, which is great because the other girls won’t budge from the top ones. 

I cleaned out the nesting boxes today and spread the hay around the vegetable garden hoping it will work as a light mulch and protection for the seedlings coming up. I planted some seeds a couple of months ago but for the life of me I cannot remember what the heck I planted but they are coming up so it will be a surprise, teehee. I also started the crazy paving today and I think it will do the job ok, tis going to take a fair bit more work but I will get there. The beets and other vegetables are growing well and now I can harvest bits and pieces for Lipstick which she loves. Well, enough for one night...I am off to make a cuppa, hotty and snuggle down. I know there are things I have forgotten to tell you but the bath is kicking in and the eyes are getting droopy. Peace, love and mung beans...