Friday 5 July 2013

1.30 AM...


And I have just got out of the hot pink with polka dots onesie I have been slothing around in all night and crawled into my bed with a hotty bottle. A late night caller made for many a cuppa, lots of laughter and brain storming tonight. 

 The crazy paving I have been thinking about doing around the vegetable garden will be great, but I need something to complete the edge and integrate it to the lawn. As I was explaining the idea of what I wanted, my late night-coffee swilling-brilliantly minded-loved one made a great suggestion of how this could be achieved quickly and frugally, using recycled materials I may have access to. Visually it would be  just perfect so I am quite chuffed. 

I have also been offered a large double concrete laundry tub by a lady in know the very heavy ones that used to be a standard fixture years ago? Well this one is going to be my next garden to work on.One side will have my asparagus plants in it because I am itching to free them from the confines of their pot and put them somewhere more permanent. The other side I’m not sure yet but I am sure there will be lots of hmmming and haaaaaing when it’s ready to be planted in.

Anyways, my visitor has gone home with a full tummy, a bag of preserves, a jar of jelly and a jar of relish will start making its way to Christchurch tomorrow to a very special lady...all in all a very productive evening. I'm off to bed, I will leave you with some cuteness...