Wednesday 26 June 2013

Roasted Feijoa Relish And Apple Jelly...

The other day I was given three bags of feijoa, a bag of apples and a recipe for roasted feijoa relish by a lady who has her own small orchard just out of town. I wasn’t expecting to be given that many but took them with the best intentions of filling my pantry with lots of tasty homemade goodies. The reality was that even after spending most of the day in the kitchen yesterday, I still have two quite full bags of feijoa and a couple handfuls of apples. I do however, have six jars of a tangy roasted relish and two jars of apple jelly. The relish smelt so good as it cooked, a lovely spicy aroma that wafted through the house. I can see why people treasure their jelly so much, its alot of work for such a small amount but it is best made in small quantities so as to get a good quality jelly. So far it seems the jelly has set well and all the jars have sucked down lids so I got a good seal on them.

The jars I save or buy from op shops, the lids I buy brand new because they are only a few dollars for a dozen, come in many sizes, ensure a good seal and look really nice when giving for gifts. The kitchen resembled a bomb site last night, have tidied it now but wondering if I should find a second wind and make some feijoa jelly. Any that are left (because no one could use THAT many feijoa so quickly and I would hate for them to spoil) I am passing onto someone else for stewed fruit and crumbles. All the scraps go into the new compost bin but I have saved a few apples for the girls to nibble on. They are now wandering in and out of the run as they please, I gave them a handful of worms the other day and they loved them. Doris and Petunia have had a couple of minor tiffs...not sure what its all about but it looks so funny, feathers at dawn!