Wednesday 28 November 2012

Goodies In The Garden...

Just managed to snap a few quick pics in the garden before the camera died...

Nasturtium flowers which are giving bold colour to the garden and will be an attractive addition to my salads. Both the flower's and leaves can be used, the leaves giving a peppery taste.The young seeds can be eaten as well and even contain a quantity of vitamin C.

Borage just about to burst out in flower and another welcome in my salad...but I will leave some for the bees.The young leaves and flowers can both be used and have a cucumber taste to them. The flowers used to be candied years ago and it has alot of medicinal properties. It is used frequently as a bee attractant but is most valuable as a companion plant for tomatoes, strawberries and squash.

Rhubarb growing happily in the recycled bucket...When I first got this from another freecycler it was limp and looked half dead. It has been in this tub about two months or so now and what a difference! Have many fresh stalks but still not much length on them so I am hoping as the plant grows it will get some height and then I can have some stewed rhubarb for pudding.

Jack-Be-Little pumpkins showing their recent spurt of growth from all the sunshine...I cant wait for these to grow! Im looking forward to cutting the top off them and stuffing them with yummies and baking them. Even roasted, how could you beat having your own roast pumpkin all to yourself?