Wednesday 21 November 2012

Recycling, Upcycling And Saving Our Landfills...

I often wonder why some people think it is belittling or somehow degrading to buy or inherit other people’s unwanted (cast offs) items. A post on a forum I came across recently said just that which astounded me, this was my reply to his post....  I have dignity and self respect, yet I have no problem with recycled goods or clothes. I brought an old church pew for $20, have nearly stripped it back to complete Rimu...just beautiful! It will sit proudly in my house, not as someone else's cast off, but as a treasure unearthed and I'm always in fashion...just not when everyone else is lol. People get too hung up on materialistic rubbish, its a long fall from the pedestal!

Now this is more than just personal choice, it is personal responsibility. Hey, if you can afford to buy everything new and you choose to do that, then that is great for you but be thoughtful in your choices of the disposal of your old items. There are many recycling sites, charities and organisations who would happily accept and use these unwanted items instead of yet more, still useable products choking our already over used landfills. Things that take years to break down, that’s if at all. Things that poison our waterways with toxic runoff. I wonder if in years to come how many of our cities/housing developments will be built on old landfills because we need to keep making new ones? Will the world just become one big landfill?

One less item in the landfill is essentially one less product needing to be made...