Friday 23 November 2012

Home Grown Heaven...

I re-potted the sunflowers today and also a couple of trays of marigolds. The small plastic tubs you get supermarket salad in make very sturdy saucers for under the pots and are a good way of using them. Everything in the garden seems to be enjoying the warmth of summer and it is encouraging seeing the growth. Even the little strawberry plants I put into the herb planter recently have got a few flowers on them, considering what they grew from, I’m quite chuffed! I have had a couple of berries from the other plants but my procrastinating to get some netting lost a few to the birds again. My little limes are holding steadfast on the tree so this will be the first year I have had fruit from it. I’ve had it for about two and a half years, because it is in a pot I feed it every three months with a slow release fertiliser just so I know it’s getting the goodness it needs...the name escapes me at present but I buy it in a small bag (great if you are on limited income and can’t afford the large bags and it is specifically for fruit/citrus) and that seems to do the trick. All my fruit are in pots which always need a little extra care but I rent at present and want to be able to take them with me when I move to my own piece of paradise so that is the price of it.

Found a fabulous site (imperfect homemaking) for making the most gorgeous rag quilts this morning. There are all sorts of great simple living and recycling ideas on it and I have definitely bookmarked so I can spend some time perusing it. Of course they wouldn’t be made from rags but the potential is endless for what they could be made from...old clothes, keepsakes, t-shirts, anything really. The best part though, was that because of the design anyone would be able to make and sew them easily and oh so pretty! The quilt squares are sown seams out so they will fray and leave a lovely frayed frill around each one. Such a good way of using scraps of fabric or pieces that have a fault, but still have useable bits on them. By reading some of the comments, these have been made by many people but I hadn’t seen them before so thought it was a great idea. Was quite inspiring actually as I have lots of pieces of gorgeous fabrics that I was at a loss for what to use them I have a great idea on how to use them up and make them into a pretty and useful item. These quilts would make a lovely gift, especially if made from special items but to be honest even if they were made out of old tea towels I think I would still love them!

Thinking it might be time to make some more marmalade and maybe some lemon honey. The last lot of marmalade was received very well and considering it was my first ever, I think it went pretty well. Some was gifted, some traded and lots I ate myself. Months ago I brought a few new jars (ok, over a hundred but in my defence they were a great deal), fifty metres of cheesecloth, a dozen glass flagons and a large preserving pan. Does seem quite alot but I considered it an investment as I won’t have to worry about buying any for a very long time and I can reuse them over and over. I also save jars and buy new lids online for them from a chap that sells alot of craft items. That way I can choose the jars I want to save and just buy one or two specific sized lids...op shops are great places to find jars too. I found a great book on homemade wine and old fashioned cordials that I hope to put to use this summer, I can just imagine how refreshing they will be on a hot day. Hoping to find some old wooden chairs and maybe a table for the garden too...would be nice to have something to relax on with that cold glass of homemade cordial.