Tuesday 6 November 2012

Blooming Beautiful...

This year I am determined to get to the Strawberries before the birds do!

I have a small pot on my doorstep which at the moment is proudly displaying three plump, half ripe berries. Last year I missed out on all except one but not this year, this year they will be mine...all mine! I only have a few plants this time around which is probably why they will taste sweeter, at least I like to imagine they will. Now while I am a believer in giving back to the earth, I am thinking that maybe I need to invest in some netting as it would be a tad disappointing to get so close and then lose them to some cheeky opportunists.

An early evening walk around the garden revealed lots of new growth on the red and black currant bushes that I traded for homemade marmalade, the last two sunflowers that survived have reached a little more skyward and even the citrus has had a modest spurt. Finally, the second planting of beans has shown themselves (the first planting got beheaded by another group of opportunists) and the silverbeet seedlings planted a few weeks ago are looking lush and healthy. Much to my delight, my lime tree is holding its little buds so maybe this year I will have the pleasure of squeezing a fresh lime into my curry. The cranberry a friend gave me is starting to bush up and the raspberry canes traded with another friend for plants and marmalade are keeping a steady pace so will need potting up soon.

Tomorrow I am hoping for a decent day to introduce the tomatoes and capsicum to the garden. For a few weeks now I have watched them grow, carefully taking them inside and out on warm days but they have outgrown their pots and need to planted in their chosen spot. I noticed tonight the cat grass I planted few days back has lots of tiny blades showing and the new sowing of catnip has a couple of little seedlings just raising their heads so the cat “Mr” will be rather happy with that prospect...little does he realise though, today I was gifted an old wire cage just perfect for keeping “cat happys” in and happy cats out!