Monday 5 November 2012

Waiting On The Moon...

There is nothing nicer than lying in bed with a cuppa tea, listening to the morning chorus of the Tui’s outside in the tree. Considering my rundown little cottage is in the middle of a busy suburb of Wellington, I consider myself rather privileged to have these magnificent birds grace the trees near my home. We are starting to get more sunshine which means summer is nearly here and the opportunity for growing lots of scrumptious goodies awaits. My gardens aren’t big but I have acquired pots and a few large tin buckets which has given me more room.  I have started companion planting to make the most of space while taking advantage of the benefits these plants provide, the first plantings of Calendula, Borage, Nasturtium and Chives are growing well and promise an attractive addition to the garden. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the Catnip which has had a few very close calls and is now on lock down until it recovers.

Every packet of seed arrives with an abundance of potential. It’s rather exciting to find something waiting in the letterbox, carefully opening the parcel and inspecting its contents. Buying the seed has been quite costly but I am hoping it is a once off cost and through careful management I will be able to maintain my seed supplies. I have found people quite happy to give all their old plastic plant pots to a good home on the recycling sites. That has been a godsend because it enables me to continue to offer seedlings to others without the extra cost of buying pots as well. Most people are quite encouraging when they hear what I am doing; it’s so refreshing to hear positive comments and suggestions. I am still purchasing potting mix/compost, but I am working on my own compost supply which if I may say, judging by the happy worms in it...tis looking rather healthy.

I am now waiting patiently for the new moon on the 14th (as advised by a new internet friend, moon lady Jo) to plant my seeds. Luckily I am still waiting for some to arrive so the itch isn’t so bad but I think by the time the new moon gets here, I will be ready to run around seed bombing every spare corner! I’m going to have to decide which seeds to plant this time around as my poor little gardens aren’t big enough to cope with all that seed.