Wednesday 21 November 2012

A Delicatessen In My Kitchen...

Been a very busy week so far but not because I won the big one or in fact anything hehehe... still love my old penny though! If the truth be known, even if I did...the only thing I would really want is a modest little house with tons of room for gardens and the boys to frolic. I would make all sorts of gardens full of fruit, vegetables and herbs to be eaten, dried, and preserved. Cupboards lined with jars of jams, jellies, pickles, fruits, cordials and chutneys. The preserving pot I regularly bash my noggin on in my present kitchen would spend more time on the stove working, than trying to do me in at any opportunity! A meal could simply be a walk around the garden nibbling on fresh fare. Knowing what you are eating, where it has come from, how fresh it is and how it has been grown...that simply can’t be beaten.  I would have water too, maybe a stream so diesel could swim his days away or by the beach so he could run for miles along the sand, splashing through the waves and chasing bits of driftwood. Ahh, dreams...the one thing that doesn’t cost a thing.

I brought some seed from a certified organic grower in Taranaki which finally arrived this week. Seven small brown paper bags (just like the pay envelopes from the good old days) containing fresh organic seed, country gentleman corn, celery, red orach, Takamatua black seeded bean, Caigua, strawberry popcorn and bright lights beet. Some of the growers I am purchasing seed from have been really helpful by sharing tips and ideas without even considering it and some don’t want to give any knowledge away but I have been finding a really good place to discuss all these kinds of things is on some of the internet forums. Someone suggested flour as a snail/slug deterrent today, apparently it gums them up and they can’t move. Talc keeps ants at bay and a mix of golden syrup/baking soda attracts the ants but once they feed on it, the soda blows them up. I will experiment with these and post the results. Right now I have a mix of syrup and soda in a small container at the bottom of my peach tree which in the last few days has become a haven for them. The poor little tree is only a few feet high in a pot and it is covered in them...hopefully the mix does the trick!

My books on herbs and organics also arrived earlier this week, hopefully I will find some quiet time to have a good poke through them because what I have glanced at so far looks to be very helpful. Everything else is growing nicely which is probably down to all the nice weather we have been getting lately. My rhubarb looks gorgeous, corn has grown twice what it was, jack-be-little’s are starting to get good growth and I can see them hanging down from the sawhorse soon. The melons are growing slowly but the indoor sunflowers are so big I will need to re pot tomorrow. I am going to have a good supply of mixed lettuce, the bok choi pot I dropped on the floor the other day (and quickly stuffed it all back in the pot) has come away again and I  have two luffa's popped up now. Tomato and capsicum in the garden are growing but not doing alot but the two sunflowers get taller everyday...I can’t wait for their happy little heads to show full of seed. I have lots of marigolds coming up which will make a colourful addition to the garden and a good attractant for the bees to visit. Still no passionfruit or flowering banana passionfruit appearing but I do get a little impatient sometimes so I will wait a little longer. On advice from a few people on the forum, I took some of the lime buds off the other day. There was so many on it and apparently that can prevent good fruit if they have too much on them. I sort of brushed them gently, letting the ones that were loose fall off, the rest I gave some gentle persuasion so now there is a much more realistic number on it...and they are getting bigger. I may just get those fresh limes this year after all.