Tuesday 15 October 2013

And Here Comes the Rain...

This morning was pouring with rain and nobody wanted to go out into it. Diesel took one look out the door and decided to stay in bed, the chooks while eager to be fed didn't seem keen to go out and Sugar was quite contented to stay in her kennel. The only one who dared to get up with me was the cat. After a few hours of heavy rain the sun came out for awhile which gave me a chance to turn over the small garden in preparation of planting the potatoes and corn and completely weed out the small garden under my bedroom window where i have scattered seed.

The compost I made and turned over into the small garden has broken down well and is now good healthy looking soil with lots of very busy worms. It has now been turned twice and I have only had to remove a few small weeds each time so a good result all round. Once it is Sugar proofed the planting can begin (being mindful of the horrible weather we are experiencing at the moment) and I will be a very happy camper!

This is another area I am working on at the moment...a dull garden at the back of the house. It has limited access to it, gets minimal sun and was completely taken over by weeds. The weed mat that was on it had been thrown over the top of the soil, held down by some old bricks and left. Over time it has moved allowing all sorts of weeds and rubbish to accumulate so my mission is to turn it into something practical and easy on the eye. The extra soil needed to be removed so I have added some to the new garden and hopefully if this weather EVER improves, I will be able to finish making it into a productive nook.

Tonight I decided to make a frittata for tea seeing as I had plenty of fresh eggs, corn, cheese, roasted potato and onions and a few other bits to add that mmmmm to it. As I cracked open my eggs I found two double yolkers, wahoo! Theres just something about double yolkers that always makes me smile, isn't there an old wives tale about good luck?. Here is a pic of the yolkers in question...