Saturday 12 October 2013

A Gorgeous Day In The Cliff...

An amazingly productive day today and while blustery, the sun made a welcome appearance. Plants were checked, rubbish picked up that the wind had tossed around, weeds put into the garden bag and two houses cleaned. The wind dried all the washing, the paths and pad hosed down and many other little jobs that I couldn't do earlier in the week because I was quite poorly. Don't you just love those days when you get a ton of things done and can sit back and relax because everything is caught up on?

Sugar free ranged for most of the day so she was happy and even plonked herself down on the stairs behind me and sunbathed while I had a cuppa this afternoon. Seems these days, where ever I go outside I have a dog and a goat following my every move...and sometimes five chooks...and a cat...

Alfie laid her first egg this morning...a beautiful blue green colour, most fetching I must say! Such a nice surprise to find four colourful eggs nestled in the hay. Now there is only Tuktuk left to lay and there will be eggs for Africa.I promised some to a neighbour that brought her children down to see Sugar the other day so I will drop them off tomorrow but I have quite a few so maybe a Sunday Frittata for brunch?

And this is the gorgeous view from my balcony tonight...a skyline of wispy clouds that reflected a warm glow as the sun set on our beach side community. I never get tired of the ever changing view...