Friday 11 October 2013

If Its Attached To A Pot Or A Person...

Well finally I am back online. The other day I managed to kill the laptop charger, the vacuum cleaner and a light bulb, all in one day. The new charger arrived today thanks to my very lovely friend who ordered it for me online when I couldn’t and in good time for a very gusty, wet night. Even my ever-faithful hotty bottle has taken a thrashing tonight, a night to bunk down and enjoy the rain on the roof. Mr came in before wet as a shag, ate and then yowled at me to go back outside. When I wouldn’t let him back out he jumped on the bed, nose dived under the quilt and proceeded to tunnel his way down to the end of the bed where he kneaded himself into a slumberous heap.

Sugar is doing really well, I haven’t heard boo from her tonight so I am guessing she has tucked herself up into her kennel. We have only had a few moments in the last couple of days where boundaries were drawn and climbing up on the outdoor table to nibble on my raspberry and currant plants is one of them! The strawberries, passionfruit and asparagus are another. These boundaries also include the rosemary, blackboy peach and cranberry plants, as well as my fingers and clothing. I think she has a clear understanding of what “Get off!” and “Owww, that’s attached to me” is now, boy she has a good set of chompers on her! She is doing a fabulous job of clearing a few patches I hadn’t got to though and once the weather clears and I can mow the lawns it will look great.

Not much has happened in the new garden this week, I did manage to add some soil to it but until I sugar-proof it there is no point in planting in it. Earlier in the week I planted basil, passionfruit, tamarillo, luffa, dragonfruit, banana peppers, capsicum, caper and capsicum seeds but the wind caught a few pots the other night...I put it all back in so hopefully with some luck I will still get one or two plants, enough to replenish seed and feed the soul. 

I also did a random seed spread in one of the gardens with silverbeet seed. If it works I will have a good supply of it as well as using another available space for food. I also sprinkled calendula and marigold seeds out where the girls sunbathe, even if a few grow they will spread under the punga and cabbage trees which will look quite colourful against the bush reserve. My urenika potatoes have started sprouting and I am itching to get them in the garden. I am thinking of using the old stainless steel compost drum to mound them up and see how that works and that means I need to start a new compost heap somewhere else.