Saturday 22 June 2013

Hibernation From The Wild Weather...

Days and days of rain and extreme winds have caused much damage around our land down under. Luckily we escaped the worst of it here but it has left its destruction in other ways. My poor little lime tree that I have nurtured from a foot tall seedling has lost most of its foliage and all the fruit again. It lost all its young fruit last year in a Wellington storm so two years in a row I have had not a single lime. As I type it is raining again, I need not worry about my sodden lawns needing a mow though as the wind has whipped them completely flat over the last few days.

The girls are doing fine, I turned their hut from the wind so they have good shelter as well as a good coat of feathers to keep them warm. They have lots of hay to snuggle into which is going to start my compost pile tomorrow when I put fresh into their nesting boxes. Still no eggs yet but I brought a 10kg sack of high protein pellets the other day to give them the nutrients they need. I give them snacks such as fruit/veges/leftovers in the afternoon. They are getting more used to me being in the run and their beach wood perch makes a very comfortable seat to sit and yak to them at feeding time once I have checked for poo. They put themselves to bed at dusk and all three snuggle up in the top boxes, it will be so nice to have a few dry days so I can get them used to roaming in the yard. And they are even getting less nervous around Diesel who just loves them! Hopefully I will be able to get a couple more in the next month or so.

Finally I made up some smudge sticks from the white sage I grew ages ago, here is a pic of some of them. Gosh they smell lovely and I didn’t make huge cigar sized ones as I feel these burn a little better and not so over whelming. The mother plants do need to be repotted though so I will have to get onto that job soon, in fact a few could do with a fresh potting so I’m going to be busy with all these little jobs. The garden seems to have had a little zing despite the weather so now I need to consider my options for a bigger one as the original will not be sufficient for summer growing. I would like to get that sorted during winter so ready for spring/summer plantings. The shed I was going to use for a workroom is now going to be a grow house for me so I can get all my summer seedlings growing well before planting and maybe come up with some creative garden ideas.

Well time for me to snuggle down with hotties and bed warmers (the furry-take-up-half-the-bed-type). Be well, be safe...EarthLoveLive