I put some square mesh over
the opening and used rustic split palings to frame it...the size of the door
will give good ventilation to the coop while keeping predators out.
is very important in nesting house. It must have a certain cosiness to it
because the next day guess who I found snuggled up in the nesting area?
I went and visited a lady yesterday that has some pullets for me, what a fantastic place. Just out of town and in the most beautiful spot. When I arrived I was greeted by numerous horses and ponies, chooks of all breeds and sizes, ducks and a very friendly sheep. Just fabulous and just what I hope to have one day, maybe except the horses...I’ll trade those for milking goats.
It was such a fabulous place I have to admit to being quite distracted
by all the farm life and for a moment forgot exactly why I was there in the
first place. I have decided on four for now (but that could easily change), I
have Barred Rock, Orpington (beautiful birds) and Rhode Island Red to choose from.
There were a few others but I will leave the decision until pick up. I am
definitely going to get different types now so I will know who’s who. I’m sure
the girls will want to come with me to pick them as they have already chosen
who will be theirs from the list I made of names.
Edna, Doris (5yr old Ava has claimed her), Elsie, Penny, Tuk
Tuk (7yr old Olivia has claimed her) and Petunia.
We have had some rather dreary days recently so I have been
moving all my plant pots around and giving them some more shelter under the
back veranda. Everyone got fed yesterday so hopefully a pre winter burst will occur.
The asparagus seeds I planted way back have grown lots and even have a couple
of miniature stalks on them, look quite dinky!
My black boy peach is leafless
but healthy and getting some good branch shaping going on. The vege garden got
a thorough weeding the other day, silverbeet growing well which will keep
Lipstick happy but sadly most of the leaf on the cauli and broccoli have been
devoured by sneaky nibblers. Hopefully they will pick up again and with the
weeds cleared it should give them more airflow...they also got a generous
dressing of sheep manure.
Still picking white/yellow raspberries, gosh they are
sooo yummy. The plants are getting lots of new seedlings pop up so I am looking
forward to the day I have a forever home for them. The currants have less
growth but still something and the cranberry is looking very lush. I am still
getting the odd strawberry but that is if I get to them before the birds! The
brick watercourse has lots of small watercress growing in it now so I gave it
an extra tidy up yesterday...its rather cool knowing it is natural spring water
flushing through it, plants are looking so healthy.
The stainless steel changes
to a nice tarnished colour which looks quite attractive as well. I am halfway
through the pile so it will be nice to have it all cleaned up.
All the cardboard in the chook nook went to the recyclers
and I have finished picking up all the bits of rubbish from around the place
and it’s looking much tidier. I even managed to tackle the hay paddock at the
front which had irked me since the day I moved in. Feels like running a
marathon doing my lawns but it looks so nice and tidy when they are done and my
pet peeve is long lawns, they depress me. Always have to save a patch for
Lipstick though. Hope you have enjoyed the rambling for this week,
earth-love-live people! I’m off to snuggle up with my fur buddies and catch a
few zeds.