On Sunday I packed the cat carriers in the car and drove out
to choose and pick up the girls. It was pouring with rain and everything was
sodden...including me! I had decided to get three different breeds so we could
easily tell who was who, I’m not sure if they are pure bred but that was never
a concern for me. Tuk Tuk is a Brown Shaver, Doris is a Barred Rock and Petunia
a Black Orpington.
Tonight is their third night in their new home, I close them
into the nesting hut at night just until I feel comfortable that they are safe
and then I will let them free range in the run and out in the yard during the
day. They haven’t been out of the run yet because it was recommended that they
are confined to their run for 4-5 days so they learn this is home. I was given
some grain feed for them and with that I have given them oyster grit and lots
of fruit and veges. They love banana and persimmon, fresh grass which I am
cutting by hand for them until they can leave the run, bread, beets, and carrot
Well it seems winter is setting in, more rainy days than
fine and some cold southerlies that send a chill right to your bones. Mr spends
every night completely slothed on the bed while Diesel tries to burrow under
the blankets at any chance and steal my hotty bottle. Last night I made a
delicious apple crumble with a crunchy coconut and oat topping, lovely and
warming on a cold night. This week I will make some more soup for the freezer,
always a nice lunch or an easy tea coupled with some warm crusty bread. Ah yes,
time for warming soul food!