Sunday 1 September 2013

The First Day Of Spring...

I have now dragged the concrete tub into place (nearly killed me lol) and placed it up on a few concrete blocks. I just need to fill it and it will be ready for the asparagus. Because the couch/twitch grass is like trying to dig through carpet even when killed off and talking to some wonderful people about it, I have now decided to opt for a no dig/semi dig garden. I am slowly covering it with thick layers of card and paper, old chook bedding and I will get some compost to add to my home made gold. Once everything breaks down somewhat, I should be left with a lovely garden mix ready to plant all my yummies in. This will be much easier than breaking my back or hip trying to dig it over and apparently much better for the soil, so I am looking forward to comparing the results. I have some good lengths of bamboo to arrange into frames for my climbers to grow on as well, hopefully a little shelter for the other plants too.  

The original garden is doing so well, it is providing food every day for me, the chooks and Lipstick...amazing just how much you can grow in a small area! The Passionfruit has grown a lot in the last couple of weeks so I am thinking of planting that on the fence line so it can spread out and take over. I am going to layer some cranberry too so I can get some more plants to pot up. Tomorrow I need to repot the huge Aloe in my has so many babies on it that need their own pot so those will go either on the stall or recycle sites. 

I got word on a chap who may be able to get me four old, large bike rims/tyres to make a couple of carts so that is this week’s mission to track him down. I want to build a cart for the garden for humping things around and one for a stall. He runs a place in Wanganui called Green Cycle, a place where old bikes are made new again to encourage people to get biking...we certainly need community projects like this so please show your support for this wonderful idea and this very clever man who started the project and has been there for five years.

The chooks are well, Alfie has grown so much from the teeny little thing she was...she now looks like a cross between Kramer and an angry bird hehehee. She is still quite scatty but is getting faster and cheekier when it comes to food. Petunia is still laying daily, the most delicious eggs. They follow me anywhere now days, always hanging around for a snack and let me know if I haven’t given them their tea! I caught them in the garden few days ago, no damage but I did shoo them off. They are very vocal these days and often hear them chatting away...


I got given a big bag of Lemons last week so I have been sipping on large glasses of chilled water with a Lemon squeezed into them...very refreshing and very good for the body. Was thinking, seeing as I have lovely free range eggs now, that I should make some Lemon Honey. I haven’t had it since I was little so would be so lovely to try it again.  It tastes divine when piped into little sweet shortcrust cases and topped with a tiny dollop of cream and some very fine cut rind.  Makes great treats for a high tea too!