Friday 13 September 2013

I Am Officially A Seed Saver...

Oh it’s so exciting! This morning when I toddled out to my new potting shed *grins* I found quite a number of the Sunflower seeds I planted that have sprouted... Wahoooo! If you have read any of my posts from last year you would know that the Sunflowers (Russian Giant) I planted had only just started to die off when I was forced to cut them or leave them at the old house when I moved. Knowing that they were very close to the end and the fact I had lovingly defended off all sorts of garden predators just to get these two to the stage they could fend for themselves, seeing the faces and hearing the oohing and ahhing from the people that seen them...the only option was to cut their heads off, try and keep them safe until we arrived at the new house, dry them and hope they would grow in the next Sunflower season. And they did. Operation: Save the Sunflower seed, was successful. The only thing I have to worry about now is Mr parking his big fluffy butt on my seed trays to sun himself but thankfully he found a more appropriate place today.

 The Urenika arrived today so that is another job I will be working on this weekend...getting something ready to put them in. I also planted the flowering Passionfruit this morning, it took awhile to untangle its vines so I could entwine them around the trellis but it looks rather nice now it is done. Just hoping it likes it there because it has produced a lot of new growth in the last month and I would love to have some summer fruits to share. I am getting two eggs a day now, Doris’s eggs seem to be getting bigger and she alternates between her favourite spot and the nesting box but that is ok, so long as I find them! Doris, Petunia, Tuktuk and Lola all come and take food by hand now which is very cool, Alfie is still shy so I just make sure she doesn’t miss out. She used to let the others take her snacks but lately she is getting very quick and whips it away before they get a chance...Go Alfie!

Yesterday I planted out some of the new seeds that arrived but on reflection I am going to need to prepare myself a little more so I have enough space for all the different types. I was thinking one of the netting fences bordering the property might be a good place for the Peas and Beans as it is a large area they can climb and sprawl. The only problem I can see is that it is the place where the girls like to hang out during the day so I will need to find a creative solution for keeping them away from the plants. All the Tomatoes have popped up so far except the chocolate ones, the parsley is slowing coming up but no sign of life from the Caper seeds as yet.