Tuesday 17 September 2013

Some Sunny Sunday Sugar...

There couldn’t possibly be a nicer way to start a Sunday morning than picking up the telephone and hearing a little voice on the end of it asking “Aunty, can I come down and see you and we can have some fun?” Followed by “Can Ava come too cos she wants to come as well?” A quick shower and an even quicker cup of tea and two bright smiley faces arrived at my gate ready to smother me in sugar and talk my ears off!

After smooches and cuddles (and of course Diesel wanted his share but not from me) we went down to feed the chooks, let them out and get a pile of yummies out of the garden for Lipsticks breakfast. Then we walked around the garden chatting about what seedlings were going to go where, where to put the corn, potatoes and the eighty or so giant sunflowers. We munched on fresh Broccoli from the garden before wandering down the front to consider whether the desolate corner would make a good place to smother in pumpkins or watermelon. 

It was then we got distracted by daisies and like any 70’s child I couldn’t resist showing the girls how to make a daisy chain, they had never seen one before...oh how times have changed. A few photos and then we took it down to Lipstick who thought the bouquet of chained daisies was just delicious! A look around the potting shed to see what was growing and would need to be planted out next and I think we needed a snack and a movie, so into the kitchen to make bacon and egg bread case pizzas for lunch and girls choice movie and drawing. 

Later on the girls went off with Mum and Dad to collect pinecones so I got myself back outside and I emptied the small garden, sadly I had to remove some vegetables in the process but the reward of being able to dig it all over and dig in all the compost from the bin will make up for any loss. 

Must be good soil because there was lots and lots of very chubby earthworms, it didn’t take long for the girls to arrive and have a scratch around either. Lola and Petunia follow me like two little shadows waiting for any tasty morsels I came across. They are actually quite good little workers and help break up any clods of soil I happen to miss, but they better not get too comfortable in there, I have lots of plans for that garden!