Saturday, 26 January 2013

A Saturday Sewing...

Today’s project was making use of all the freshly dried organic catnip. I was given some coffee sacks ages ago by another freecycler and they were perfect for the job. Scraps of fur and ribbon made welcome embellishments and some well placed markings on the sack made a useful name tag on one. Frayed edges gave a funky finish to the neutral coloured sacking and I’m sure will prove irresistible! I made four altogether but could only stuff two because I ran out of nip, I have got another batch drying as I type though so hopefully I will be able to finish them in a few days.

Always Room For One More...

 I have become a foster mum to two gorgeous little kittens so my posts have had to take a back seat this week but I have semi kept the gardens in check so I guess that is a good thing. Tiddles (girl) and Tony (boy) came home with me on Monday afternoon from the haven and will be staying until they are ready for their forever homes. They both have lovely shiny black coats but Tony is much bigger than Tiddles who resembles a midnight coloured ewok. Mr has taken it all in his stride, not seeming fussed either way and Diesel is cautiously curious about these new additions to the household. Because they haven’t had much handling we are going through the “earning mutual trust” where I promise to adore them and they promise not to rip me to shreds. So far we are doing ok...

Day 6 Of The Fermentation Process...

Day six I removed the skud from the top of the jars and emptied the seeds into a small, fine meshed sieve. After running them under fresh water to remove anything left from the fermentation, I drained them and spread them out over some waxed paper to dry. They are now in packets, sealed and marked with the date/type of seed.  

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Day 2 Of The Fermentation Process...

Not much change to anything just yet unless you count a centimeter or two of gloop in the bottom of the jar that looks a little bit gloopier than yesterday.

Drying Out The Good Stuff...

The cat nip has grown so well lately so today I removed quite a few lengths of it for drying before I stuff into homemade cat toys. I haven’t got any drying racks yet but I am planning on making some, for now though I am improvising with a fabulous basket tray I found in a op shop for a couple of dollars. It has been invaluable for gathering yummies from the garden, a prop for photos and now a perfect drying rack/basket/thingy. Long term it won’t be suitable but I am looking out for some screening so I can make up some racks.