Sunday 3 August 2014

The Latest From The Garden...

Despite a turn for the worse in the weather, the garden has had some nice growth. The Borage the girls and I planted is noticeably bigger and the Rhubarb and Coriander are settling in well. There are lots of spears growing on the Asparagus so I might even get to grill a couple as a treat this year, yum! The Rosemary and Limes have lovely flowers on them and the Cape Gooseberry and Chilli are enjoying their winter spot sheltered under the porch. 

Today I pulled out the last of the baby carrots, the last five surviving parsnips and most of the beets to make way for some of the garlic a lovely lady sent to me, yes I’m late, I know...but better late than never. In exchange for the garlic I am sending her a feast of seeds from my collection, I LOVE sharing seed! The garlic is Kakanui and Takahue, I’ve never grown garlic before so I hope it does well in my little garden.