Friday 15 November 2013

The Funniest Looking Triangle I Have Ever Seen...

I woke up this morning to an absolutely glorious day. After getting everybody breakfast I made a cuppa and wandered outside to soak up the morning sun. It didn’t take long for me to plan the first mission of the day so I slurped back my tea and got started. A little while later when the sun had moved around and I was just about to give up and forage for shade, I had an idea. About 18mths ago I nabbed a shade sail for a measly ten dollars on an auction site thinking “That will come in handy”. The advert said it was a triangle shape in excellent, new condition so I waited until near closing and BAM, it was mine. Now when I brought it I was living in Wellington and the wind at the time was rather...windy, so I packed it away until the weather got better and then moved up here and it got forgotten. 

So today I pulled it out and went to rummage in my “bits” box for some new hooks to secure it to the porch. Once I found the hooks and some stretchy cord for the other end I strolled out and started to unfold the sail. It must have been meant to be because the length between corner to corner on the sail (with no extra) fit exactly from one end of the porch to the other so I put up the hooks and hung it up. But hang on...there is an extra corner? How can there be four corners on a triangle? My shade sail was a large square...even better! Once I found a spot to attach my extra corner I went back down the steps and admired my handy work. A nice cool spot sit and have a drink without being scorched to a crisp and I did just that.