Saturday 17 August 2013

Storm Clouds At Sea...

After an afternoon cleaning at granddads and picking up stores so I don’t get my arm chewed off when I got home, I noticed some very dark clouds while driving home. Expecting some rain when I arrived, I was greeted by the most impressive storm clouds (no rain) but lots of lightening. I raced up the drive, let Diesel out, ran up to get my camera, got dog in car, did a big wheelie on the lawn in the nana wagon trying to race out and up the road to the lookout to snap a few pics. Not surprisingly there were a few people with the same idea and some just there to have a look. Poor Diesel sat in the car shivering with anticipation of a walk at the beach but Mum is all business when trying to capture that one awesome shot.

This is a couple I thought post worthy...still wishing we had got a good downpour though. With all the earthquakes we have been happening its brought a bit of excitement to little old Wanga’s. We all got a fright in yesterdays one, each of us all grabbed a doorway frame and swayed as the house rocked back and forth for ages. I love my little house, these older wooden houses move with the motion of the ground and are far less likely to sustain serious damage. Poor fish's went for a ride though, their tank was almost slopping water out the movement was so great.

Had alot of shakes since then...maybe we are in for a big one?