Wednesday 7 August 2013

Catching A Wave...

I have been a little distracted the last week or so, sooo I thought I better update on some of the goings on around here. Earlier in the week I took a walk with my camera down to the beach to play around and see what I could capture. It was such a beautiful day and a paddle in the surf was a much welcomed refresh. Here are some of the better ones I was able to snap of our local treasure before I got drenched to the waist...

 One of my favourites!

Beach feet, nothing like feeling the sand between your toes and the waves rolling in to cool them down. Its when you drag half the beach into your car it becomes an issue! Luckily my car is in dire need of a clean out so I didn't worry too much about it ...

Love seeing the green, blues and greys of the water, it might not be the prettiest beach in the world but it has a beautiful feeling of peacefulness and healing. You can walk either way up the beach for miles. This picture is looking up from the surf club towards the mole, great place to throw your rod in just watch out for the rocks!

My friend Andy showed me some fun photos he had taken last time he was up visiting. While rummaging around on the beach he snapped some cool pics of his shadows. This is one of my ones though I did a whole heap of weird ones by turning my body into strange positions...It was so much fun I didn't even notice all the people that had parked up and were possibly wondering what on earth the funny woman was doing on the beach. I havent edited the others yet but I promise to post the best ones at a later date so you can see what I mean. Would be so much easier having someone to hold the camera though...