Sunday, 18 August 2013

Garden Evolution...

I finished the path a few days ago, all the gravel is in  there now and I just have to add some more river stones and pebbles and it will look great. I found some nice smooth ones amongst the rubble in the front garden so I have been using those to get it started. Once I have completely covered it with the stones not only will it look lovely but it will be great not to have to walk across a soggy lawn again. The future garden bed next to the new path that I sprayed has died off, so I will dig it over this week and see what is left of the couch grass. Even though it looks dead there will still be much that hasn’t died yet. 

Though I try not to use sprays (especially now I have the chooks) this time I needed something to help me get a head start, it is just so invasive. Even when it seems lifeless, it is still hard to pull out. Once I have got the bed dug over I may put some edging around it so that all the goodies I put on stay where they are supposed to...we get a tad breezy here on the coast at times. I have lots of the chooks bedding hay to put on it when the digging is done and hopefully some good compost from the bin soon. There is a lovely stone wall that surrounds part of the garden that I am hoping to reclaim, the couch has grown over it to the extent it can hardly be seen...when I strip it all off it will make a lovely feature, especially with the stone path and railway sleepers.

The original vegetable garden has had a huge growth spurt in the last week so I may have to pull some plants out and thin it out a little. I was thinking of moving the compost bin which will give me a little bit more room in the garden (seeing as it is doing so well) and also give me a chance to turn the compost over and see how well it has been breaking down. I am going to start some of my tomato seeds this week, the problem is going to be deciding which ones because I must have at least fifteen different types...the thought of having colourful salads and salsa, jars of pasta sauces and relishes lining my pantry and interesting sandwich fillings just tickles my taste buds! 
The treat hangers I made for the girls worked fantastically, they stripped them within two days and now I put fresh vegetables on them daily because they seem to enjoy them so much. Guess I can consider that a very successful mission!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Road Trip To Turangi...

Earlier in the week we did a road trip to Turangi, here are some scenic pictures of a few our stops.

I was amazed at the rubbish strewn just a few feet from the bin at the falls, picked it all up but muttered to myself how lazy some people are...Keep NZ green people, get off your backsides and use the bins! It really pollutes our wonderful treasures *sigh*.

Impressed by this wonderful painting on the Memorial Baths in Raetihi...



Stopped at a reserve, just over the hill from Turangi for a quick snap of the lake and mountain. It was mostly covered with cloud but still beautiful.

Storm Clouds At Sea...

After an afternoon cleaning at granddads and picking up stores so I don’t get my arm chewed off when I got home, I noticed some very dark clouds while driving home. Expecting some rain when I arrived, I was greeted by the most impressive storm clouds (no rain) but lots of lightening. I raced up the drive, let Diesel out, ran up to get my camera, got dog in car, did a big wheelie on the lawn in the nana wagon trying to race out and up the road to the lookout to snap a few pics. Not surprisingly there were a few people with the same idea and some just there to have a look. Poor Diesel sat in the car shivering with anticipation of a walk at the beach but Mum is all business when trying to capture that one awesome shot.

This is a couple I thought post worthy...still wishing we had got a good downpour though. With all the earthquakes we have been happening its brought a bit of excitement to little old Wanga’s. We all got a fright in yesterdays one, each of us all grabbed a doorway frame and swayed as the house rocked back and forth for ages. I love my little house, these older wooden houses move with the motion of the ground and are far less likely to sustain serious damage. Poor fish's went for a ride though, their tank was almost slopping water out the movement was so great.

Had alot of shakes since then...maybe we are in for a big one?