Monday 27 October 2014

Waste Not, Want Not...

It was pouring with rain when we woke up this morning so after a cup of tea we all snuggled back up and had a sleep in. Not wanting to get soaked to the skin meant finding inside jobs to do today and there are always plenty of those. I did prick out some seedlings I am growing for my Grandads garden, vanilla ice sunflowers and mixed carnations but there wasn't much dry space under the veranda and I ended up as wet as a shag anyway.

One thing I needed to do was make some hardy name tags for in the garden so I grabbed some of the pieces from the old trellis that had fallen apart and cut them to size. Ideally I would have liked to use paint but I keep forgetting to buy a small pot for it so I settled for a vivid marker instead (sharpie pen). The few I did at the beginning of the year are still clearly visible so I am happy that they will do the job until I remember to stop at the paint shop. Best of all, they didn't cost anything...