Thursday 6 November 2014

"Your Garden Looks Awesome!"

It was the highlight of my day when my eldest niece hopped out of the car and declared "Oh aunty, your garden looks awesome!". Moments like those are just magical...Its a reminder of where you started and how things have evolved.

The start of the three sisters garden (only two sisters at the moment) used by Native Americans for many, many generations. A combination of beans, corn and squash are grown together...the corn giving the beans something to climb and the squash keeps the soil and roots of the corn shaded, therefore keeping maximum  moisture in the soil during warmer months. This is honey and pearl saved seed from last year.

Well, I'm not sure what happened last year but here are the successful oil seed pumpkin plants...all eleven of them!!! Lord only knows what I will do with them all but I am absolutely freakin chuffed.

Four little Luffa's growing slowly but steadily...I will have loofa's if it kills me!