Sunday 21 December 2014

Where Does Time Go...?

The last three or four weeks have just been one big blur. I have so many photos taken since my last post but once again, everything has changed so much that it would take me a month of Sundays to catch up on it all so I will just start with what I did today and go from there.

A few weeks back while I was driving into town I saw broken pallets sitting in a crate free for the taking. I noticed that the wood was mostly intact and in useable pieces so I did a uey and went to have a look. I have been wanting to update the chook coop for awhile and what better to use than free wood? There was nails I would have to pull out but other than that it was good wood so I opened up the back and fired as much as I could into the back of the car. By the end of that day I had most of it de-nailed and ready to use. Now, I was going to use it for the coop but after some contemplation, a cup of tea, more contemplation, a few measurements and a fair bit of sawing and hammering I realised I didn't 'actually' need it after all and would have to find another use for it. Anyway, here is the new nest....

This is what it looks like under the hay...wooden slats for support and then wire netting on top. Hopefully that will let all the droppings fall through and be easier to clean. I also cut a nice piece of driftwood to size for a comfortable perch. As you can see, Lola had no problem settling down in the new house...its her turn to be broody but there is no more room at the inn!

So after I had finished the chook house I still had all these bits of wood and I was itching to make something. The most useful thing I could think of was a wooden planter box so I chose my pieces and got to work. I am rather chuffed with how it turned out...this one will be for herbs and the next one I make I am going to plant with strawberries. They will probably only last a few years but all it cost was some nails and my time...