Monday 29 September 2014

Summer Lovin...

Yay, some sunshine at last! The last few days have been wet and windy as heck so it was nice to feel a little warmth today. I am still trying to shake this heinous sinus/chest infection which has limited my time in the garden but I have been able to pull a few weeds here and there and repot some seedlings so not all was lost.

Today I wandered down to the garden and with a sudden urge I launched myself into a revamp frenzy. I’m not sure where the energy came from but in between endless nose blows and regular coughing fits I managed to dig over and weed most of my patch. The corn and peas that were screaming to be released from their pots got planted, the corn in a spot near the garlic and the peas along the fence line. I had intended to use the tepee for the peas but its position had always irked me so today I removed it and put a lovely bit of hollowed driftwood there instead and it looks very cool. Not sure what I will plant in it yet but with all the seedlings I have growing and 28 new packets of seed that arrived last week, I am sure I will find something soon enough!

Last week I managed to repot the borage and marigolds and they are looking healthy and happy, the ones I have in the garden have started to flower now and I can’t wait for the busy hum of bee and bumble bums. Once again I have a heap of sunflowers from my saved seed and the corn I saved from last year has all germinated with an excellent strike rate so I am feeling quite pleased with myself. The windowsill under the veranda is full with punnets of cucumber, catnip, sage, basil, cumin and capsicum seedlings. Ah yes, summer is coming.