Saturday 20 September 2014

In The Garden...

Ahhhh *contented sigh* I can hear the pitter patter of a steady rain outside, Diesel and Mr are zonked out on the bed and knowing all my little seedlings are safely tucked up for the night is bliss. In the last couple of weeks I have seen some unbelievable growth in the garden...weeds included. 


The black-boy peach went from looking like it had died to the most beautiful bursts of green along every branch. All of the red and ivory raspberries, red and black currants, strawberries and gooseberries are growing steadily and the rhubarb on the deck is looking more like a respectable crumble every day. 

I am really pleased with the garlic, it is looking fantastic and the asparagus keeps sending up more new spears every couple of days for me to devour as I pass by. 

From all the seeds I planted, I now have lots of sunflowers, basil, catnip, beans, peas, cucumber, two varieties of corn (one seed is from last years that I saved and looks to be a high strike), two types of beets, long red cayenne peppers, marigolds, sage, borage, Aus.Butter pumpkin and tomatoes (Amish Paste, Orange Blossom and Evergreen). 

The borage, naughty Ameritta and beet all desperately needed re-potting so I braved the cold this afternoon and put them in new pots. I have a feeling I am going to have a ton of re-potting and planting out soon!