Sunday 27 April 2014

A Sunday All To Myself...


Today I have put up net curtains, done tons of washing, finished fencing the big garden, mulched all the plants, evened the stake heights, pulled more weeds, moved the log again, finally found my bull nose pliers that I have been trying to find for weeks and shelled a pile of walnuts.

I wasn’t quick enough to catch a pic of everybody together this morning but I did fluke this cool shot of Lola, Sugar and Lippy all grazing happily in each other’s company.

Here is the drift log I have been dragging around for her. She can’t move it, it gives her something to stand on (goats just love to climb on stuff) and it gives her a good wide area to fill her tummy.
It does need a set of wheels on the back though...its very heavy!

One of my cape gooseberry plants I raised from seed. I have put some mulch around the base but kept the wire cage around it for extra protection while it gets established. I can’t wait for them to grow.   

I use to always sneak off to the Cape gooseberry bushes at Nana and Gramps when I was little, fond memories of peeling back the paper lantern and then the burst of flavour as you bit into it. As the fruit grew and ripened, the lantern leaves would slowly age and would become like a leaf skeleton under the tree.

Along the edge of the fence on patio side, I am going to put some of my pots and some more herbs.