I also opened up the first jar of pickled vegetables. While I enjoyed them and the taste is quite scrummy, I did find they were a little too sweet for my liking so next time I make the spiced vinegar I will just reduce the sugar so I will end up with more of a bite. We had them with some deli meats for our lunch. Haven’t yet opened the pickled onions but they are in the fridge chilling.
The dehydrator I am using is fantastic compared to
the cheapie I had years ago. The adjustable temperature is fantastic and though
I dream of having my own Excalibur one day, I am very pleased with the results
I am getting from this one. I will probably try to get a few more trays for it
soon so I can do more at a time. This type heat from the bottom and not from
the back which blows the warm air across the food and that is why most people
who love dehydrating look for the more expensive ones. I find that leaving my
dryer going so to not lose much heat and shuffling the trays around quickly works
fine for achieving even drying times. I also turn the food over once or twice
during the drying process so the tray shuffle can easily be done then.