Tuesday 14 May 2013

No Cats Were Harmed In The Making Of This Blog...

Life is just one big adventure when you are a cat. Sometimes you hit and sometimes you miss...the latter being appropriate in this case. I’m not quite sure what happened (only Mr knows) but in he came some nights back, howling and drenched with a putrid smelling pond/swamp water. By the look on his face, he was less than impressed by the sudden dip he must have taken and I was less than impressed by the aroma emitting from under the coffee table. Little did he know how soon a second drenching was going to be! Into the shower for a warm but certainly not welcome hose down...followed closely by more yowls for freedom. A vigorous towel down later and his ego was restored but I’m sure he won’t make THAT mistake again...
I have never seen Mr with a bird but he does seem to be quite the mouse hunter. I put a couple of traps out the other night, last night the trap went off. All was going well until Mr decided it was now fair game and he would defend this mouse no matter what the consequence. So it turned out to be a case of...I grab cat, cat grabs mouse with trap attached. The trap is hanging off the mouse, who is hanging off the cat, who is hanging off me.  Ugh!

Operation: Detach cat.

Now you know the old saying, curiosity got the cat? Not even fifteen mins after the trap incident, Mr Nosy stalked into the lounge, sat down and proceeded to eyeball me. I could just tell he was looking for mischief by the frisky look in his eye but I carried on getting ready for bed and left him to it. I had just hit the sheets when it happened. All mouse traps must have mice in them, right?  S-N-A-P!