Saturday, 20 April 2013

Catching Up...

Been such a busy couple of weeks but each day is one step closer to being home. It’s been a whirlwind of DIY, upcycling, cleaning, gardening, errands, new projects, creative urges and complete brain fade.  Often I get distracted half way through a job by another job and then later I look at a open cupboard or something and I find myself thinking “Now what was I doing in there?” and then I remember what I had been doing in the first place before I did those other three jobs.

Then there is the “You have to make mess in order to clean mess” thing. This has left me with two weed piles waiting to be put in the wool flage, two-thirds of a colossal ivy bush still annoyingly intact, an old in-ground bathtub that needs lifting out, two boxes of boxes to go to recycling and numerous other little things I have started and been distracted from. Ah well, the wheel doth turn...

Lipstick made a jail break last week and spent the night under the house in the warren she dug last time she made a bid for freedom. The next day was a mad dash to get her hutch upcycled and ready for when I could nab her. New wire on one side and the top, a new plywood roof and veranda and then some reinforcing around the rest of it...Much lighter and easier to move around now! Once the rain clears I will give the ply a few coats of paint so it will stand to the coastal winter we have coming. I also brought a bale of hay so her bed area will be nice and snuggly and she can also have a nibble when she wants. A couple of layers of thick card under the hay provides good insulation and is easy to change and compost when needed. I think I can safely say she was suitably impressed by the renovations made.

The vegetable garden is doing well, seedlings need thinning out but everything looks healthy (including the weeds). I put one piece of trellis at the back to make a little wind break and hung some tinfoil strips on the strings across the garden to deter cheeky birds from scratching around looking for my big, plump earthworms. It seems to be working. My Asparagus seedlings are about 30cm tall now...long, delicate green fronds that look so pretty! The Lemon tree has about a half dozen small lemons on it, considering how young it is I’m quite proud. White Sage is doing well and soon will get the chop so I can finally make some smudge sticks. At the moment it sits by the front door which I thought was an appropriate place for such a cleansing and spiritual herb.

One of my latest projects has been a bead curtain that I started a few years back (ok, so maybe a few more than a few). I have been re-threading all the beads onto thick fishing line so I can attach to a wooden dowel and hang in my bedroom doorway. The beads I brought in packs of about 50, they were plain wooden beads so I divided them up, threaded them onto wire and dyed one lot a beautiful chocolate brown while varnishing the others. Suspended from the washing line they dried quickly and didn’t stick together. I have all the beads threaded now and battery charged to drill the holes in the dowel, only thing left to do is measure the lengths out and measure the spacing in the dowel. I was thinking a nice piece of weathered driftwood would look rather cool but it might take awhile to find that bit that looks “just right” and then I will never finish it!

What I am really looking forward to is having a few chooks. At the moment I am slowly getting things prepared so that when I get them they will settle in happily. There is a large lean to with two sides closed in, I am going to put netting and a gate on the other two sides and turn it into a little hen heaven. The hen house will sit about two feet off the ground and I will put a ramp for them to walk up. I would like to have between 4-6 hens if I can but it all depends on the size of the house I can make. There is a couple of big bits of driftwood I thought would be good arranged for them to perch on in their yard and hopefully I will be able to acquire a grandpa feeder or chooketeria for their feed. Apparently they cut down feed costs by preventing birds and mice from getting in to it and eating it but they are expensive...though it probably wouldn’t take long to pay for itself when you have lots of bird life around like here.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Some Call Him Max...

I just call him “holy heck”!

Another night I can’t sleep so decided to pop outside for a few minutes. I had just stepped out the door when I spotted this not so little fella.

He was sliding his way across the decking and making good time about it too. 

He is a Limax Maximus, aka Leopard slug. The adult slug reaches 10-20cm, this Max was about 17cm long.

I hope he isn’t planning on nibbling my plants, one sitting and they would be gone.


Wiki tells me a pair will hang from a tree on a thick string of mucus to mate...Boy am I glad I wasn’t standing under THAT tree! 

Anyways, here is some pics of this impressive little guy, too bad I had to wait until 

1.15am to see such a handsome sight.



When I moved I inherited a gorgeous little rabbit called Lipstick. She is a friendly rabbit and has a furry sack under her chin I affectionately refer to as her turkey neck. One of my next projects is building her a new hutch, somewhere she will be snuggly over winter and something easy to move around the lawn.